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10m. 23. 1868.

R.M. Manly
Supt. Education, Richmond, Va.
The Comt'ee on Instruction are in receipt of a communication from Gen Howard a copy of which I enclose. I give below list of schools supported by this Assoc'n in Va. with tenure by which the buildings are held. The Comt'ee wd thank thee to suggest to them some arrangement by which in these cases they can avail themselves of the proposed grant.  The number of teachers employed by the Assoc'n. seems to entitle it to a proportionate share of hte appropriation though in the present state of affairs the buidlings are not "actually owned or rented or legally possessed by them." Wd a proposition from the Assoc'n for the purchase of the buildings at Sanville for a nominal price receive favorable consideration from the Bureau?  Very respectfully, M.E. Shearman, Actuary

[[3 column table]]
 | Location of school | No. of teachers | By whom owned |
 | --- | --- | --- |
 | Danville | 5 (incl. Supt.) | Freedmen's Bureau | 
 | Newbern | 1 | Freedmen |
 | Salem | 1 | Freedmen |
to which will probably be added
 | Williamsburg | 2 | Freedmen | 
 | Yorktown | 1 | not known |