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Bureau of R. F and A. Lands
Office of A S A Com'r
Salisbury, Va. Oct 29th, 1868

Bvt Lt Col S.P. Lee
S A Com'r Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
Alexandria Va.

I have the honor to request that the Bureau Assist Rev Wm P Robey, colored, who teaches a Freedman school at this place in continuing the same which Mr R. thinks he cannot do without assistance from some quarter other than the pupils and parents Mr. Robey opened his school soon after the close of the War and has managed to continue it up to the present time, but in consequence of the indiference of the people of this place at the present time thinks he will have to discontinue unless some other assistance is rendered. 
I am, Sir, Very Respectfully &c
Sidney B Smith
A S A Com'r