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toward the support of their schools but this yr. like the two preceding ones the harvest was not as abundant as expected, caused by the drought in the early summer.

Could this $8. or $10. per mo. be appropriated to the teachers they could live comfortably. & we are sure of one more teacher, wh. otherwise we cannot be. The season is so far advanced now, that this matter must be decided at once, as communication with our part of the State is almost entirely cut off soon after Christmas. This is why I address you directly, instead of communicating through our Bureau Agt. Maj Haskell. that I may if possible receive an answer from you before Friday next, when I return.

Please address me at these Barracks.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt. Servt.
F.E. Dow

[[written upside down at bottom]]
Washington D.C.
Nov. 8
F.E. Dow
[[/written upside down at bottom]]