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The Piedmont Land Agency of Virginia.
JOEL MILLER & CO., Real Estate Brokers.
Send to either Office for Circulars.
Charlottesville, Va.
Culpeper C. H., Va.
Office of the Piedmont Land Agency,
Public Square, Charlottesville, Va., Nov 16 1868

Miss Gardner
Ch ville, Va

Dear Madam:
I have been instructed by Mr Cabell, (the owner of the Delevan property,) to inform you, that the building now occupied by the Freedmens schools, belongs to him & not to the U.S. Gov't as was supposed. The parties who built it agreed that it should remain as pay for the use of the ground on which it is built. He, however, desires to sell it, together with the lot of ground (1 7/8 acres) on which it stands, & has instructed me to make the following offer. He will sell the lot & all claims to the building for $1000 1/2 cash & the balance in six months. Or if all is paid in Cash, He will take a little less. Will you please inform the parties interested & let me have an answer as soon as possible.
Yours &c
A.A. MacDonald