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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 
Head Quarters 2nd Sub-District, Virginia 
Petersburg, Va, December 1st, 1868 

Rev. A.M. Manley 
Supt of Education 
Richmond Va. 

Dear Sir, 
 Yours containing instructions relative to renting buildings for colored schools is received. 
In addition to that, I respectfully ask for an appropriation of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) to aid in fitting these buildings for the colored schools of the city. 
The Board of Education are greatly in need of needy money. and the advance of these schools is greatly retarded by the inability of the board to make the buildings adequate to the accommodation of the numerous pupils. The members of the Board are afraid to make further demands on the city Treasury of present debt these schools which are truly fir a Southern city. a wonderful innovation become unpopular. and be allowed to languish for want of aid. 
I respectfully submit that it is for the best interests of the colored race here. and I candidly believe