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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & A.L.
Office A.S. Asst. Comr. 3d Div 2 Sub Dist. Va.
Lawrenceville Va December 2d 1868

Rev. R.M. Manley
Supt of Schools Bu RF & AL
Richmond Va

Dr Sir.
I would respectfully invite your special attention to the school report of WW Lewis of this (Brunswick) County for Oct & Nov which was forwarded with my monthly report. Thus far he has depended entirely on the Freedmen for the support of his school, and has received no assistance from any other source. During the last months, above mentioned, however, he has received nothing from the Freedmen, except a little corn. He hopes to receive something from them at Christmas, but at best it will not be sufficient to adequately compensate him for his services, as but very few of the Freedmen will have but little were