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owners and the benches torn up by the Local agent. The Bureau had refunded $15 of the cost of repairing and fitting up the school room which gave him the right to dispose of them, I suppose, as he pleased. The extreme heat of the weather and the crouded state of my room compelled me to remove a few days before this, to the old church, a very suitable place in the summer season but very much out of repair and unfit for the more inclement seasons. 
It is also owned by the white citizens of the town who now have possession of it. I continued there, until the session closed in August. 
I have had many troubles to annoy me and many difficulties to summount. The hostility of a large class of people both colored and white. the ignorance and indifference of the mass of the colored population, and their wide-spread destitution- to say nothing of my own straightened circumstances, have at times almost overwhelmed me. Had it not been for the assistance of the Bureau I should certainly have failed. I have abundant cause to be thankful to Kind Providence and have thus been enabled to remain at my post of duty. 
The progress of the pupils has been very rapid none in November 1867 could read more than easy