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Lynchburg VA. December the 22. 1868.
Campbell County.
Rev R. M. Manley, 
Dear Sir I take this opportunity of droping you afew lines in refference to my missionary Enterprise I was in good circumstance at the Commencement of the rebellion of the Southern people Burned down my shop because I was a united States man. I have bin assaulted by a rebbell & he bustted a cap at me and brooke my left arm But thank God I am in the land of the living yet preacing the gospel to the pore down Trodden Sons of affrica. I have many perplexities and differculties. to encounter with but God blesses my labors abundently. I have Organize 6 churches And three Scools Since Last chrismas. and. Baptise 22 converts & I have 22. to baptize at preasant and the Lord is earning his glorious work on in different parts of the morral vineyard. My wife teaches a scool by what little I can aid her with Sixty five Scollars. She commence teaching the 16 of March and She give a vacation the 10 of this month & She will commence her scool the 15 of January, 1869. Capt. Willson told me to address. you And you would help me with Some means. directly Pitty me O ye my freends. for the hand of the lord Hath touch me. I have Suffered Since I have bin Teaching the freed pupils. but it regoices my poor heart to think they are freedmen. they have bin held in boundeage 250. years but it pleased God to relese Them from their hard task masters. I have not received Any. renumenation from any Society yet and my pattrons is so poor, they are not able to pay me. please Send me Some. Scool forms no. 4 and please Lay my case before the P. boddy society. perhaps they would help out [[?]] through and I wold