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New York 29. Dec 1868
Rev. R. M. Manly
Richmond Va.

Dear Sir,
The Rippon Hall company owe the N.Y. Branch &c for goods sold and delivered some $400. less or more. What steps can be taken to get the money.? The debt was not so much originally as $400. and there may be some just claim for an abatement. I have bought from the N.Y. Branch this demand (and all others upon their books,) and should be glad to turn it into as large a pile of Greenbacks as possible. I suppose the company to be abundantly able at any date To meet their liabilities. Please let me hear from you. I hope that you are very happily and usefully employed.
With unfeigned regard
Yours most truly
E. C. Estes 

Miss Wager is achieving fame and fortune in the use of her pen. I saw Mercy Baker at Sterling Mass. in Sept. who wanted to know about your Normal school - The Flag &c. I mailed a copy of the Boston Freedman's Paper to her Yesterday.