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Miss Collins

American Freedman's Union Commission,
No. 30 Vesey Street. - P. O. Box 5,733.
J.M. McKIM, Cor, Sec.
New York, Feby 1. 1869

My dear Mr. Manly,
Your very interesting account of Miss Preston's school reached us this morning. If we have another number of the Journal I think it must contain this letter, the teacher and scholars are really uncommonly interesting and successful. 

We have rec'd $660. from the Bureau, allowance for Octr Novr and Decr 1868 for Richmond, Alexandria, Christiansburg and Lawrenceville, and a request that we shall make a monthly return for the office, that we may be paid $220. per mo. for the rest of the season. We have a statement and letter

Transcription Notes:
There's a person's name written at the top but I don't know how to transcribe it because it overlaps with the heading at the top.