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Glade Spring Washington Co Va
April 1st 1868

Mr Manly 

I sent myself down on the first of this month to tell you that I have been here three months the 10 day of this month I will be here there months and have not received a cent
I have done my duty Mr Tomas sent me here & said that the government was to pay me so much & now he is gone and I have to look to you for this I have not received not a cent from the government and I would like to know if how much the government is going to pay me a month I would like to know I expect to discharge my school the last of this month or the next. the people wants these children to help plant corn and it wont hold no longer than this month and please send me my measure I have 17 scholars now in school now I did have 26 but they had to stop & go to work I was sent here to stay the last of next month but I wont have no scholars then I dont think and so I will discharge then the last of this month and please send me in my measure Mr Tomas told me that he didnt tell me how much & he told me that I was to send you all of my reports after this I had sent him three reports and he told me to send the

Transcription Notes:
this guy hates punctuation.... get him his paycheck though!