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season for us to enjoy school works in it, a few weeks before our return North. This has proved a great undertaking, adding much to our cares and trials.
A few white people have called on us, but generally, we are excluded from society. Prejudice is fast bending, and the Yankee teachers are not as much feared as at first. We presume the works at Richmond is prospering. We hold in remembrance the pleasant visit we had at your house, and wish to renew our thanks for the attention and kindness shown us.
Please tender our high regards and best wishes to your daughter and the teachers whom we met there - also to Mr. Webber if you meet him. We expect to return home the early part of Jun, already we are weary in our work, though not of it - as we toil we have "respect unto the recompence of reward".
Believe me.
Very respectfully. Marianna Sanborn