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Rural Retreat Wythe Co Virginia April 14th 1869
Dear Sir I was authorized by Gen Thomas to build a school house in this neighborhood which I have allmost complete. I sent the Receipts to him and have not heard from him I paid some of my own funds which I wish to get back. Gen Thomas told me to encourage education among the freedmen and I have been doing so I have rented a large building near Mt Airy Depot for a school rent $15. per month No of students about 45 enclosed you will find one Recpt that I failed to send to Gen Thomas. I have been in the employ of Capt Marcot for about six months in office of FB after which I was in Maj Sherwood in FB.. after that Capt Austin of FB then Gen Thomas I remained in office. till Bureau was broken up at Wytheville Gen Thomas sent me to teaching I wish to labor faithful in discharge of all my duties I have 33 students enrolled in my school but small children and their parent very poor thay never have had any help from the FB. I visit them and advise them to work with honesty and industry two or three study in one book and have to stay away from school for want of books Gen Thomas promised to send me some book but I not