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Petersburg Va April 22nd, 1869
Rev R. M. Manly

Yours, of the 15th inst I just received an account of not coming to the city during the last week I visited Sussex Co on last saturday. I am thankful to you for the remittance of the $5.00 as it was much needed for I must acknowledge I am in a needed neighborhood many of the children are orphans and have only friends to try to raise them and many not able to give them even clothes much more books or pay any thing for education much out of what little I have received I have contributed near $5.00 for books & shoes to the children. Major Stone is the only one of all the different Supt that has given his personal attention to this school which embraced a district of 12 miles. I agree of both Pr George & Dinwiddie Co I would be much pleased to see any person that is interested in the education of the children to visit the Providence School Prince George Co 1st District 2 & 1/2 miles from Reams Station my family resides in Petersburg and I have not been able since I have had a charge of the school ride home but walk in & out I received only 4 books from Maj Ewing all Websters Spellers

Your Obt Servant
James Ford