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Brunswick County
Virginia Apr 24th 1869

Mr. R.M Manly

Dear Sir

Your letter came safe to hand to which I hasten to reply I was very sorry to learn that your funds was exhausted. You stated in your letter that you would like for me to inform you when I commenced my school and also how much the people was doing to aid in its support. I commenced the 1st of March and I have the promise of only twenty five cents per scholar per month. And I built the house on my own expenses for the purpose of teaching school and I have not received once cent for the rent. & I cannot afford to teach much longer without I get aid from some other parties. The most of the colored people have not got the means to pay anything towards sending their children to school some of them hardly gets enough for their labour to support their familys although they have promised to pay me twenty five cents a head for the tuition of their children per month but I don't expect to ever get it.

Yours Respectfully 
E.B Jones

Direct to Charles Hope
Brunswick VA