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Clarksville Va April 29th 69
Mr R. M. Manly

[[left margin]] Clarksville Apl 29. '69 Geoghegan [[/left margin]]

Dear Sir
Yours of 22d Inst. is to hand contents carefully noted, 
If I have done wrong in taking charge of The mission school or acted in any way, to cause hard feelings tof any one, towards me I am indeed sorry. Before I broke up my school down town I had some 31 or 32 scholars whose parents were paying me ($1) one dollar pr head and it was not only at the repeated solicitation of the [[strikethrough]] not only [[/strikethrough]] parents of the majority of the children but also some of the committee of that school up town, that I consented to become the principal of that school. 
Since writing my last I have amicably adjusted all the difficulties and dissensions that have hitherto existed and was flattering myself that harmony and peace existed, until for to days mail brought a letter from Mr. M. E. Shearman stating that, he had been inform by you, that I am accused of having been twice intoxicated since in charge of the school. Sir, I am glad that you did not act hastily in this matter but rather 

Transcription Notes:
I have no idea what the sideways writing was saying, so I didn't try and transcribe it at all