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waited to give me an impartial hearing I have only to add, the truth of that accusation, I leave it for others to state, feeling [[strikeout]] assured [[//strikeout]] assured my [[headse?]] are in the hands of justice.
Sir, in regard to my teaching in the house that you rent it was only when Wm. Turner the Head of Com. of the school organized up town consented for me to teach there that I consented then to teach. 
Feeling very sorry for anything that I have done wrong in regard to opening a school without your permission at the same time feeling confident I can prove all accusations against me false. I subscribe myself
Yours respectfully
J.W. Geoghegan

If I am cleared from the accusations against me, (which I know I will be) are you willing for me to continue to teach in the house rented by you, I have Miss Ann Smith for my Assistant, we have now in school over one hundred scholars, average attendance and everything is working admirably.
Miss Ann Smith was the teacher you first employed at least she has been teaching there all the time.
Yours &c