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Emmaus P. O.
Bedford Co Va
May 6th 1869

Rev R. M. Manly

Dr Sr;

In answer to yours of 1st inst. inquiring of me whether this is my home.  I answered it is.  I was raised here and after the death of my father became in possession of the old homestead.  I opened my school here on the 18th Feb 1867 in a School House of my own.  For a time there was much local prejudice against me on account of it & even threats of mobbing me and burning up the School House, but fortunately for me I had the countenance and encouragement of this most intelligent and refined portion of the community.  I think one less favorably known would have have found so well as I have.  I had always believed the negro capable of receiving an education and I was anxious to make the experiment.  I am highly pleased with my success.  It is upwards of 20years since I engaged in the business of teaching and I think I have some scholars who are equal, if not superior to any I have had under my charge.  My col'd friends have stood by me so faithfully in spite of all the efforts of cunning men who have attempted to prejudice them against me that I was not disposed to quit their services, so long as a school could be held up & hence may inquiry.  Should you think the prospect favorable for a continuance before the end of June you will please inform me.

Very Respectfully
James E Lazenby