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personal interest in the school nothing more than his benevolence prompts him to do for others. The estate here is nearly absorbed by the debts of the late Mr. Turpin, it remains in their hands at present, but they dont own it. Now on behalf of the school will you let me know wether we may expect any aid from the Bureau or no? I am comfortably lodged & fed, but the work of teaching under the difficulties named I find very wearing to my health: Also, just over the river in Powhattan Co. is a chance for a larger school than this & the people are very earnest for one, now if we can make the arrangements, can you get  Transportation for a teacher to go there? I'm anxious for the people to have a school & I would also enjoy having an associate in this work that I could see once in a while.  Respectfully Yours, L. R. Harper

Pemberton, Goochland Co. Va.
May 13th 1869.

Rev. Mr. Manly,

Dear Sir - I hope you will excuse me for intruding upon you again, but as I have become somewhat acquainted with the circumstances of the people here I could not feel easy without asking if the Bureau can't assist them by way of rent for the school building. Mr. Turpin holds the building by virtue of a claim he has against the estate, but it is quite insufficient to accommodate the school. It's 18 ft. by 11, six and 1/3rd feet high, has a chimney in the middle 6 ft. wide

Transcription Notes:
Edited: repeated phrase that was not repeated in letter