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Wellville Nottoway Co. Va
May 14th 1869

Rev R.M. Manly
Supt Education

Rev. & Dear Sir
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 13th inst enclosing $15.- Fifteen Dollars "Peabody Aid for April".  I also have the pleasure to state that I am in receipt of (130) One hundred and thirty Spelling Books sent me by the "New York Branch A.F.U.C." and from the same source am in receipt of checks for ($60) Sixty Dollars, as payment of teachers wages for three months from Feby 1st 1869.

The same "A.F.U.C." wish reports from me upon "Blanks," from you for the inclusive months.
I have no blanks in hand, even to make Report for "May" to you, of either kind of blanks + hope you will be so kind as to send me some of each kind.

I am
Very Respectfully Yours
J.N. Murdock