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Teachers whose object is the education of the Col'd race, without their crowding on each other's premises. 
I am directed by the trustees of the school to inform you that they are well satisfied with my services among them, and do not wish to have me [[strikethrough]] supersede [[/strikethrough]] superseded by a lady of whom they know nothing, and further, that when a change is desired, they or myself will give you ample notice of the same.
One other subject I wish to bring under your notice. Apart from the aid promised the lady who has arrived here, the other two teachers (Mr. John W. Palmer, Mr J.H. Dundor), and myself have learned, that while the teachers all around us in Orange, Culpeper & other counties, are paid free compensation for their services, we in Madison are left to do the best we can for ourselves. At the request of the above named gentlemen, I would ask you to inform me if the Bureau does this? or what Societies, and if we are to make application for aid (and we need it) and to whom. They also tell me that they notice through the press, that Genl Howard is now on a mission in the North to raise money for the Education of the col'd race, as the Educational part of the Bureau is to be continued to -71-, and that teachers are making applications to him daily for such aid. You will please give me all the light you can on the above named Subjects, and direct us what to do, that we may be better enabled to carry on the work in which we have engaged. When you send me vouchers (which I trust will be soon). Please send me some more large envelopes, as I save mine to the other teachers.
Yours Truly
John A. Melody

[[note]] PS you will remember that Catherine Gordon's house has not been used since the 30th ultimo J.A.M[[/note]]

[[margin note]] am sorry such a misunderstanding should arise, and trust you will make it right[[/margin note]]