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May 26th/69 
New Garden Russell Co Va

Mr R.M. Manly sir I recd your letter bearing date the 17th May 1869, & after reading its contents. I find by some means you are under a mistake as respects the Letter I wrote you I stated that I was employed by McDougle but that Gen. H.G. Thomas wrote to me that he was exclusive charge of the Col Schools of my neighborhood & at the time I recd his letter stating to this effect he at the same time sent me four blank school reports directing me to send up one filled out at the expiration of each month and as my cession had been going on for 6 weeks I sent the reports of the 2 last months as the same time I had already sent up one written report to McDougle before sd school blanks came to hand my contract with McDougle was $15 per month for which I have good witnesses to that effect as you spoke of haveing made application to Washington for the amt of $45 to pay towards our School House if you consider that I wrote to that effect you will find by my letter that it is a mistake I stated this vz that the government was Due me $45 for my teaching & that I intended paying the Bal. Due on sd House & Lot out of that amt. But provided that $45, which you intended for the payment of