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Madison Cove Va
June 20th 1869

Rev R.M. Manly - 
Dr Sir,
We the undersigned [[?]] feeling a deep in interest in in the school, which you have been so kind as to establish in this locality for our benefit, do respectfully tender you our heart felt thanks, and we are also at the same time sorely grieved by the manner in which the teacher (Miss. S.) was received, by a few of the colored people, goaded on by that worthless scoundrel (Melody) and his equally vile associate Dudley Gordon. 
We have heard that the latter has written a letter to you signed by a number of the colored people, stating that we did not need a teacher neither were we in want of any aid from Govt, but were abundantly willing and able to pay & keep (Melody) at 75 cts per month. To show you that the statement is false we refer you to the teachers monthly Report where you can find the patronage of the school, which is good evidence to show the manner in which (Melody) is appreciated. 
They know these statements to be false and 

[[left margin]] We are satisfied with the teacher you sent us and with the School-House and very thankful to God for all such blessings [[/left margin]]