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the signature sent bogus, (if any were sent). We hope you may not believe any reports hereafter from that unreliable source. You have the thanks of the colored people of the county - with those exceptions. Dudley Gordon is totally unreliable and is not worthy the notice of my person, he has recently been the recipient of a little daughter by his own daughter-in-law and whose husband has been absent nearly two years, and Melody a little worthless drunken scoundrel.

We are not be represented by such men and will not be. They have made an attack on Capt Crea for the interest he has taken in the matter, and do not what report the make to you, but we will say that Capt Crea has always endeavored to get the best teachers for us, but failed in the person of Melody, though it was no fault of his, he dismissed him after he had been teaching a month, but this Dudley Gordon clique kept him on. We thank the Capt for what he has done for us since he came among us. We will have a good full school right away after the harvest, and hope you may give us all the aid you can we need all we can get for we are very poor. 
Very Respectfully yours
Peter Scott
James Bow