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Reedy Church School Caroline County Va.
June 30th 1869

Mr R.M. Manly
Richmond Virginia

Dear Sir I received your letter of May 4th/69 in which you said I must write you another asking aid for myself and I did so and sent it & I have [[strikethrough]]beeen[[/strikethrough]] been expecting and other from you or Rent payable to my self which would of been some [[strikethrough]]hep[[/strikethrough]] help to me, I am not able to preform hard labour as [[strikethrough]]no[[/strikethrough]] most of men because of my [[strikethrough]]ba[[/strikethrough]] back being broke and if you can help me please write me word and if you cannot please send me word also. For I am very hard up at present and would be very glad for you to help me if you can do so. For the people who send their children to me do not nor can not pay me because there imployers do not pay them} Please send me some [[strikethrough]]some[[/strikethrough]] blank forms Please foward me an answer as soon as you can what you can do for me) Direct your letter to Ruther Glen P.O.Caroline Co. Va.

I remain your obedient Servant
D.J. Richardson

Transcription Notes:
4-6-2021: Transcribed per guidelines (transcribed spelling errors as is) and marking for review