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Kilmarnock, July 31 1869.
Rev R M Manly

Dear Sir
Your favor of July 20th is received [[paper folded - illegible]] the twenty ($20) dollars all safe. I shall close my school next week but I do not know when I shall go North, The rebs are acting so badly I can not decide I am the only Northerner in this county, and it fell to my lot to cut and fold the election tickets for the colored men, and give them the best advice I could at that time, and by so doing the rebels got very much stirred up and have threatened to burn my house down, and to drive me out of the county. They came to my house on the night of the 17th and carried, a buggy out of the yard and [[strikethrough]] broak [[/strikethrough]] broke  it all to pieces, also cut a harness all up. And I do not know what will come next, I do not know but, what I shall come to Richmond the week after I close my school, if so I will call on you, I thank you very much for your kindness. The colored people have bought land, and are putting up a school house, at White Stone, in this county, and want some help, if I do not come up I will write you again about it. 
Yours truly
Mary C. Foster