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Pattensburg Botetourt Co Va
Aug. 30. 1869

R.M. Manly Esqr
Supt. Ed. Va


Your favor of 8th July inst. received during my absence, and contents carefully noted, in reply on or about 1st Oct. 1868, the Bureau Agt at Liberty Va, promised us 10$ per month commencing 1st Oct. & continuing during repair of School.  We did not receive any money until Decr. in violation of the understanding, and upon communicating with him, we were told, "Continue your ass. [[assignment]] for two months longer than usual" that you may secure the amount justly due you & for which I neglected to ask.  You will now understand our motive for continuing our a/c.  We assure you we were only endeavoring to get the amount promised, for without which we will be compelled to loose our teacher as we are not able to contribute any more than that all ready given.  I would state, we have