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Colored Reedy Church School / Ruther Glen, P, O

Caroline County, Va, Aug 7th 169

Mr, R, M, Manly Supt, E.D. 
Richmond, Virginia

Dear Sir I do invite you these few lines to inform you of the increase of my School and the exact facts as the increase has per day Monday 2nd increase of 3 Wednesday increase of 5 Thursday increase of 6 which amt to 14 in all and these added to the others 18 = 32 Total
now the conditions I am Teaching under are these, Orphans are Taught free, Widows children at 12 1/2 per mo, 25 cent in two monts & these which have farthers 25 cts. per mo. and I believe I Shall get a larger School yet. I write you this letter to inform you of increase of my School as you told me when my School should [[?]] to the worth while expending any more money on it write you word and at the same time reminding you of your promis and you would give me more aid The money which I charge the people is to board me and it does not hardly do that and the reason why is because their imploirs will not pay them & I am in a destitute state for Clothing at this time and is not able to labour as other men are. You will please tend to this for me as soon as you can I have stated the above and it is correct.

Very Respectfully Your, &.c.
D.J. Richardson

Teacher of C.R.C.S.