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Pattonsburg Botetourt Co Va.
Aug 16th 1869

Mr RM Manly
Richmond Va
Your notes of the 30th June July 8th & August 6th in reply to notes of Rev Jamison pastor in charge of Church has just been delivered to me, and the contents carefully notated. Yours of the 30th June, making inquiries. 1st name of teacher, RS Burton. 2d Rooms are rented of the Church. 3d 10$ goes to support of teacher. Yours of 8th July stating the Bureau did not pay rent unless Schools were in Session & announcing (by reference) closure of school & name of teacher. Yours of 6th Augst Stating you did not make contracts, and asking to whom the 2 mo. is due & probability of being enabled to pay next session, in regular & lawful way. 
In reply to the several notes, Col Corson & Mr MR Lloyd entered into the arrangement with Agt Bureau as Liberty Va last Octo it was contracted and approved by your prodecessor, that the teacher at Pattensburg should be paid 10$ per month by Bureau from 1st Octo. & 5$ by patrons of School and balance of Salary by Pa branch of A.F.U. Comm no aid, however, was received from Bureau until Decr, thereby causing my salary to be reduced to comparatively nothing, as the teacher