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9M, 28th 1869

R. M. Manly, Supt. Education
Richmond, Virginia - Thy recent favor enclosing C. S. Schaeffer's report and valuable information has been duly received and considered. The Report is returned with thanks - The Comtee propose to adopt the following schools of those enumerated but they reserve a final decision to do so till they hear from thee and C. S. Schaeffer that in taking up these they are not encroaching upon the ground occupied by others in which case they will take other schools instead. Please inform them if Marion & Abingdon are not otherwise provided for in the course of a week of two.
As the Com. wish to have these schools started as promptly as possible and

[[left margin]] ways and customs of the country. He comes from Barbadoes educated in British Normal Schools
Respectfully M.E. Sherman ast. [[/left margin]]