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Christiansburg, Va, November 1st 1869, 
Rev. R. M. Manly 
Supl. Of Ed. &c 
Dear Sir:
Although I visited Marion, Smyth Co. Va., in the month of Sept. and endeavoured to obtain correct information in regard to School matters at that place, yet I now find that the statement made in my report, was not in accordance with the facts, for instance, the "New School House" instead of being almost finished, is a mass of bricks still in the kiln, and no indications of even commencing erecting the building earlier than next Summer. The Lot also (in my opinion) is not a suitable one, and I have advised them to sell it (if possible) and purchase one better adapted for the purpose, a little outside of the town and instead of erecting a two story brick building (as proposed) to put up a plain substantial one story frame House. In the mean while, it will be necessary to rent a house