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American Freedman's Union Commission,
N. Y. Branch 
[[strikethrough]] No. 14 BIBLE HOUSE [[/strikethrough]] 

North Shore, New York, Nov 16th 1869.

[[note]] North Shore,  Nov. 16 Lowell [[/note]]

Rev R.M. Manly,
Supt. H.
Dear Sir, 
I am really sorry to have to trouble you again with a letter of Mr. Davis's, but it seems the shortest way of laying the matter before you. Do you approve of his plan of again moving Miss Kelly? I certainly am much opposed to it & have written to him to that effect. We cannot (& ought not to) afford to employ him as agent after Dec. 1st as we have no work that would warrant us in doing so. I have said so emphatically in two or three letters but he seems