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New Zion Seminary,
Richm'd P.O., Virginia,
Nov 18th, 1869.

Mr. R.M. Manly, Sup't&c Richmond, Va. 
Dear Sir, 
I now approach a question Involving the establishment of Schools In the County of Westmorland, Va. As I stated to you Some time ago in a letter on the subject the Colored people in the sections of "Chilton's Fork" And "Templeman's X. Roads," respectfully, are Striving to erect a School House at either Of said places, but lacks means necessary to Carry on the work; In point of fact, they are Unable, [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] Wholly, to undertake anything in relation to it. without aid from some Charitable Source I trust, therefore, the matter will receive your Attention, that Westm'd might be equalized with the adjoining Counties & the World. Any aid which might be [[strikethrough]] received [[/strikethrough]] appropriated For the people in question, will be thankfully Received.
In Haste, Your's Truly, Cha's H. Carter,  
On behalf of Chilton's Fork" & "Templeman's X R."

[[note]] Bro. Competent to back [[/note]]