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Black Walnut Halifax Co. Nov. 18/69
Dear Mr. Manly:
Having safely arrived at our destination and taken a little rest which withal we have made a general survey of house, land &c calculated upon what is wanting to complete the house avail myself of the first mail to inform you. agreeably with your request. We need four windows. perhaps you can send them of any size desirable if so. let each window consist of twelve panes 10 x 12. Would like to have them lower at the top. For ceiling, partition, doors & side boards for writing purposes we need 1,150 ft. at the rate of 1.25 to 1.50 per hundred. We need two small stoves, medium size, with pipe for each, as flues, as we have no chimney.
Our rude benches need to be replaced with decent ones, with backs. There is also need of four side lamps for evening school. Now, Mr. Manly, having enumerated our