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Burkeville Nov 24/69.

Mr. A Washburn Dsfr
Having been engaged in teaching school for the past two years, five miles from this place on the R & DR. Road. I write you in regard to indigent children in my neighborhood
There are eight or ten children whose parents are very poor not able to supply their children even with books, who are very anxious to send them, to school
Please if possible aid them, I have been teaching some of them and charged nothing. I think you could so arrange it that they would be enabled to send their children to school.
Yours Respectfully
Wm. D. Price
This is to certify, that I know the facts in regard to the above  Alpheus Bolling
Editor "South Side Times"

Burkeville Va.
Nov 1869.
Respecty ref'd to Rev. R.M. Manly
A. Washburn