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Boston December 1, 1869.
Mr. R. M. Manly 
Richmond Va 

Dear Sir, 
On the 16 Sept last we received from Mr. Andrew Washburn an order for apparatus for the Richmond Normal School he made reference to you as a member of the Board of Trustees & explicitly stated that payment was to he cash, we therefore felt perfectly safe in sending the goods & explicit remittance. 

On October 6, he writes "The boxes of apparatus have arrived but are not yet unpacked, will be in a few days, at the next meeting of the Trustees following I will see that your Bill is attended to." On November 3 he writes "I have not written heretofore because I was not ready to settle the Bill for apparatus and have not had a chance to examine carefully the articles." On Nov 29, he writes "Your money is ready whenever the articles sent correspond with the hill and agreement, and imperfections are removed, I am exceedingly busy and have not been able to examine fully the apparatus but some articles are imperfect and some not sent at all"