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Charlotte Court House, Va., Dec. 20th 1869
Rev. R.M. Manly
Supt. Education
Dear Sir,
Miss Bettie Mack, a very worthy young lady of this village, requests me to write you with the view of collecting some rents due her for teaching colored children. She reports for July, 10 scholars; for August, 15; for September, 18; and for October, 10. This would give her an average for the four months of 13 1/4 pupils, and would certainly entitle us to rent for three months, but I hope, if there is no insuferable difficulty in the way, that you will pay her for the four months, for not one of the pupils has paid her anything.
I know her to be a most excellent teacher and can say the same of Miss Martha H. Daniel.
You can forward the money to my care, if you choose, or directly to Miss Mack.
Very Respectfully
Joseph Walker.

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