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Emaus P.O.
Bedford Co Va
Dec 23rd 1869

Rev. R.M. Manly

Dr Sr:
Yours of 14th inst with blank vouchers rec'd. I inclose by your directions reports & receipts for the months of Nov & Dec. - the last I make out a day in advance in order to mail which leaves this place on Thursday but presume there will be little if any inaccurcy unless friday be a very bad day. A number of causes have interfered to prevent a larger attendance up to this time. Some by the nature of their engagements cannot enter school till the beginning of the New Year. Some are detained till their parents remove to their new home for the next year some by sickness. One of my most promising scholars died after a short illness of Typhoid fever during this week. I am assured by my col'd friends that my school will reach an attendance of 50 for the remaining winter months and a good portion of the spring. It has usually been attended by from 50 to 60 pupils during the 3 winters I have taught here. I look for a large increase after Christmas - I am employed by the N.Y. Society. They pay me a portion - the Freedmen a part and I relied on your promise of aid from the Peabody fund for the balance of my salary

Very Respectfully
J.E. Lazenby

No Bureau Agt or Supt nearer than Lynchburg whom I could get to sign vouchers which at the distance I live is impracticable.