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[[stamp]] FRIENDS
116 NORTH STREET [[/stamp]]
1m. 12th. 1869

R.M. Manly
Supt. Education, Richmond,Va.
Enclosed please find application for rental for schools in Va. greater ending Jan. 31st 1869. I hope it is is correct and will receive thy usual prompt & favorable consideration —
The Conv. regret to learn that no aid from the Peabody Fund may be expected for the new schools just undertaken, there seems little limit to the work they might do if able.
Anna C. Tatum considers her promise to support a teacher at Clover depot as withdrawn, she has interested herself in other parts of Va. — Alfred H. Jones was much pleased by the visit to Danville. I inclose Danville Reports, will find others if any are lacking (from the other schools) 
Respectfully, M.E. Sherman, Act.