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Caroline Jany 15 - 1870
Mr RM Manly
Dear Sir I expected to have finished my schoolhouse before now and sent to you for our teacher but there was an old claim came against me which set me backwards but thank God I have goten through with now and am goin on with the house which I expect to have done in about 10 or 15 days, and the road has been so bad that I have not been able to hall the lumber from the sawmill but I have every thing except the plank I have had four long sash made which reaches the whole tenth of the house to go on one side for riteing desk I have taken all the expences on my self so as to get the school in opporation for I have 10 children my self there are a great many parents wants the school but dont feel the need of education enough to help please write as soon as you recd this and let me know how much you can help me so far as I have garner has cost between forty and fifty dollars but it is not yet all paid, we will want you to come out and see the situation and the children best I will be down to Richmond to but some glass and puty and some other things I shall want Mrs Alston are gating on very well at this time and are highly pleasd to see that we are determined to have school in the low part of Caroline Co where a School has been long wanted there are no school from the Reeds Church in Caroline to Magnolia in King Wm Co where Mrs Alston teach as Space of 18 miles I direct your letter to Hanover Court House 
I will close by remaining your true friend and will wisher unto death WJ. Courtney