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unimportant matter of titles so that the house be completed and the young people of this Community and County have those advantages. for improvement without wh. nominal freedom means only real serfdom?

Will you not consider our perplexity and give us needed counsel?

The trustees names are Thomas Johnson Solomon Dixon and Robert Gregg. 

Advise them directly or through me as you prefer or think best. The P.O. address of the 1st trustee is the same as mine. 

It may be well to say that the church building as begun is unsuitable for school, being very large and high, with immense window openings. I advise them to lath & plaster the upper half of these for warmth & economy. If gov't could build them a comfortable school house it would be better. This I supposed the [[?]] only possibility for years.

Will you be kind enough to send me some blank reports?

Yours etc. Emily Howland