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April 12th 1870
R. M. Manly Supt of Education

I received the money You sent for the month of March 
& received a letter from you in March stating that you would Pay me five Dollars per month from February the first [[strikethrough]] So [[/strikethrough]] I did not make any report to Because I had not the blanks at
the end of the month
If you can pay any thing for Feb. Please get the worth of it into books
As my School is very much in need of Books please get some primers
Willson's first and second Readers Willson's third and fourth Readers
But if you can not get these kind above mentioned get any kind you think best please get me 1 large Card with multiplication printed In large figures also please get me a table [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] of the time such as to days of the week and month And year and any other usefull Cards that you think will be needfull
Also please send me a few tickets For the children if you can get them send By mail to me at (Rices Store)
Yours &c
John Payne
County Va