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Northumberland County Va.
April 22nd, 1870

[[note]] Fairfields Northumberland Co. Apl. 22. 70 F.E. Dow [[/note]]

[[note]] Ans'd Apl 29/70 [[/note]]

Rev. R.M. Manly
Supt. Education &c
Richmond Va

Dear Sir

I was called north about the middle of February by the sickness of friends, and did not return here until the second week in this month. 
When I went away, I left matters in such shape, that I supplied work on the school house would go on in my absence; but the party who is to furnish the lumber, has been unfortunate - his mill having blown up some time ago - and he has but just got it in operation again. part of the lot has been ready some time and all of the framing will be on the ground at once -
I have advanced money for material purchased in Balt'o on anticipation of the funds from your department.
In a communication from you dated