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Buckingham CH
April 30, 1870
A. W. Child

Buckingham C.H. V.A.
April the 30th 1870

Mr. R. Manly. Superintendent 
of education Richmond Virginia

My Dear Sir. I wrote you a few weeks ago and have not had any return. 
As time is drawing nigh, it makes it my duty to write a few lines in regard to my labours in this field. 
The great honor conferred upon me, through you, trying to prove my self worty of that honor, and trying to show to that Society for which I am working as well as to the people at large, my calling not only by the people, but from God: have met with many oppositions prejudices, and frouns; but through patience, perseverance and fortitude, I have been successful so fare, under the divine spirit of the Lord.