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Wesley Chase's
Bent Hickory Standard School Furniture,
E. R. Beach agt 197 Broadway
New York May 25 1870

R. M Manly Esq
Dear Sir
Yours of the 25th inst just came to hand.  I send you enclosed a circular giving cost of the new style of School furniture which I am introducing. In every respect it surpasses any other style. The col No 1 represents a single desk. By examining the piece lest you will see we furnish any size needed in high or Primary schools.  We are now furnishing the state normal school at [[Geneseo?]] in this state with the new style furniture, & I have got samples before the Boards of Education in this city & Brooklyn. We are prepared to fill any order, at short notice.  We also furnish every variety of Iron brand Furniture at the lowest list prices. The new style is [[underlined]]cheaper[[/underlined]], more  beautiful, durable, & can be transported at less cost being lighter than the Iron Framed. We furnish teachers desks tables & anything needed in schools. If acceptable I will send you a sample desk I would  like very much to supply your