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Brooklyn N.Y. June 3rd 70

Mr R.M. Manly
Richmond, Va

Dear Sir,

I have been informed by Mr Mitchell that the salary of Mrs Powell for the months of Jan, Feb, and March she will be unable to get as they had neglected to forward Mrs P. name to you for that quarter. The amount the Bureau gives is all the salary Mrs P receives. Mr Mitchell will also write to you in reference to this matter.

I am sorry to learn of your withdrawal from Bureau duties. We sincerely hope that God may grant you a long life far from the ills of the flesh and that you may use it in behalf of suffering humanity and that His prosperity may attend you in whatever business you may be engaged in, and that after this life you may receive the crown of reward due you for labors done on earth.

Hoping that you will attend to the above at your earliest convenience. Please answer
I have the honor of being
your obt servant
W F Powell
Box 195 Burlington N.J.