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Boston. June 8th 1870-

Rev. R. M. Manly
Supt. Education Ke-
Yours of 1st inst. to Mrs. Chevey has been referred to me. In reply, I would refer you to my letter to you dated May 12th 1870, in which I state that I am paying full salary to the additional  teachers transferred bu the N. Y, Branch Feb 7 1st 1870, and that I shall continue to do so, unless I hear from you that you [[crossed out]] [[?]] [[/crossed out]] paying them $10- per month.    There teachers are,
Mrs. C. M. Williams     +0
Miss Kate Cummings.     50
Miss M. L. Brooks
Robert Scott.
Mrs. Williams has resigned x is now wi Albany N.Y. waiting for her salary for 4 months to May 31st. If you wish to send her $10- per month , I will send her only the balance to make up full salary. I have paid Miss Cummings sal 7 influx to Apr. 30th $75. Which will just cover what would be due from me to June 30th, if you pay her $10. per month from Feb 7 1st. Miss Brooks ceased to be our teacher April 30th x has been paid in full to that time, so she would have to return to me $30. if she receives $10. per month from you. Rob+ Scott, has received full pay to April 30th, x would have to reimburse me. Please notify me what action you take, if any-       Very respectfully yours E.W.Hooper.