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Bureau R. F. + A. Lands,
3rd Div. 4th Sub. Dist.
Charlottesville, Va., July 31st, 1867.

Genl. O. Brown
Asst. Com'r, Bur. RF. + A.L., Ste. of Va.,



*  *  *  *  *  *  *
The Schools, in this Co. have not yet commenced.  A few private schools, are in operation in the Co.  I can give no information concerning them except the one at Scottsville, which I have applied before, for help, but without success.  A young colored man named H. Clay. Harris has a School there and is struggling along with little success, the people being to poor to keep it up.  I respectfully recommend, that a permanent School be established at Scottsville, as there is great need of one in that place.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

I am, most respty
Your most obt. servt
(Sgd.) A. F. Higgs
Lieut. 16th U. S. Infty
A. S. A. Com'r
