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Bu. of R. F. & A. Lands.
Hd Qrs 2d Division 4th Sub Dist. Va.
Goochland C. H. Va
April 30th, 1868.
The cause of education in this Division is at a very low ebb, and the immediate prospects are anything but encouraging.
Nothing can be done effectually until some system of free schools is adopted, the schools to be supported by taxation. Something may be accomplished, perhaps, by subscription, or by charging tuition, as soon as the freedmen can get fair wages for their labor, and be paid in cash. But such is not the case now to any considerable extent, nor is it easy to predict with any degree of certainty when that time will arrive.
I think one or two more schools may be established in Goochland Co. to be supported by the freedmen. The white people are doing little or nothing in the way of education