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[[12 column table]]
| Location | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |

| Powhatan Co | Cannot be ascertained | None |   |   | Land would have to be purchased at a cost of from $8 to $15 pr acre | A colored teacher would be required there being less prejudice to them than a northern teacher. they can also get board [[?]] | Will not soon be able to do much for themselves in the way of education as they are getting poor wages. Not more than enough to barely support their families | None | None | The state of public sentiment is very much adverse to the establishment of Freedmens Schools and is not improving | Owing to the fact of their being no influenctial person in favor of schools in this Co. but a very meager report can be given. There is but one school in the Co. (very small) and several efforts have been made to break it up |

| Greenville Co Hicksville | From 50 to 75 day pupils | A building (private property) can be obtained | Reng free | Very slight repairs will be required |   | A teacher from abroad will be required | Will purchase books at cost. a. are furnished home free. b. will make necessary repairs. c. will furnish necessary furniture. d. Will require a teacher. e. Will pay teachers board. f. Will furnish fuel, lights &c | None | Saml Ford Esq U.S. [[?]] Dr Jno A Smith  Jno W Potts | The state of public sentiment is becoming favorable | It is proposed to levy a tax of one dollar on the parents of the scholars to defray the incidental expenses of the school |

| Surry Co. in southern part near Blackwater River | From 50 to 70 pupils | None |   |   | Land would have to be bought and house built. size of building 25 by 30 ft. Estimated cost of building & land $400 | Would recommend that a colored woman from the North. now endeavoring to start a school in that neighborhood, be employed | Will purchase books at cost. a. Cannot furnish house. b. Will keep house in repair when built. c. Cannot furnish furniture. d. Will supply their own teacher (see No. 6) and pay her in part $7 or $8 pr mo from F. Aid Society would cover the expense. e. Will board teacher (see 6). f. Will furnish fuel, lights &c | None | Ben Brown (Colored) | The public mind is undergoing a gradual but certain change in favor of educating the Freedpeople | There are no white men, responsible or otherwise who feel enough interest in the schools in their Co. to encounter the obliging that would attend such interest when openly manifested in action. Several prominent and influential gentlemen have privately expressed to me their approval of schools for Freedmen and promised to aid in changing the sentiment of the masses in this particular and yet these individuals can not yet act openly in the matter. Think it advisable to establish schools at the C.H. and five miles east of Cabin Point in the course of a year, but not at present, the publich mind not yet being prepared for as great a change in preconceived ideas. |

| Brunswick Co Lawrenceville | 100 day | None |   |   | Land can be bought very cheap. A building will be required 25x40 ft. Estimate cost $300. All of this the friends of the school will pay | A teacher will probably be required from abroad though many of the friends of the school are desirous that a resident teacher should engage on the work. Board can be obtained conveniently at $5.00 pr week | Will purchase books at cost. a. Will pay all expenses of a house over $300. b. Will keep house in repair when built. c. Will provide furniture. d. Will probably require a teacher (see 6). e. Will hardly be able to pay teachers board at present. f. Will furnish fuel, lights &c | None | Rev I.H. Morrison  E.R. Trumbull Co Clerk  Wm P Barford  P.W. Ross  Geo B Clark | Public sentiment is becoming much more favorable. The people are beginning to regard the education of the Freedmen as very important and if a school can be established and conducted properly it will meet with a hearty support though some are opposed to educating the Freedmen | The friends of the school are exceedingly enxious that a school should be established and will do all in their power towards its support. They will pay the rent of the land (if rented) and any expenses of building over the estimated $300. Do not think they will be able to pay and board the teacher until next year, but they will do all they can. After the school becomes established the Freedmen can take more and more of the burden of its support upon themselves till finally they can sustain and support it wholly which they will do as soon as able |